Yair Rodriguez explodes Diario MMA

A lot has been said recently about Yair Rodriguez and the reason why he didn’t fight in 2020. Although USADA has officially announced his six-month suspension, ‘El Pantera’ is yet to speak publicly about the issue.

This Wednesday the Mexican fighter exploded on his Facebook account. Apparently, Yair is tired of all the things people are saying about him and his situation.

“Because seeing, they don’t see…

To all those who follow me, the day you want to stop watching me fight or stop following me, no one has you here by force. I already do enough having to read so much stupidity on social media to give an explanation of something that you could not even understand.

Besides, I don’t owe you that, if every time I do something it is never and will never be enough. If I won it was because the other guy was not so good; if they beat me I was not ready or I was never that good, and examples like those are aplenty. In short, my life is not ruled only by fighting. I am human like you, and I have also been affected by everything we are living.”

Yair has been struggling for quite some time with everything said about him in Mexico. It is unclear what brought on this rant, but Rodriguez had some harsh words for some of his followers.

“I also know that there are more Mexican fighters representing in MMA. So go follow them if you get so upset about the way I handle myself. I will not do it differently just to please you, understand that! I want to see the same level of demand for everyone equally *(the rest of the line is offensive Mexican slang).

As I said, you would do me a favor if you stop following me because I cannot find in this world who would want ‘followers’ like most of you who only attack me at the first chance you get. If you are among those who support me, I just tell you that everything has its moment, and the moment will come when God says so.”

Yair continued on about the hardships he has had to endure through his career.

“I hope you never have to go through everything I’ve been through in life to achieve whatever little I have, because you wouldn’t make it. I move forward against all odds and you only criticize without knowing, friend. God bless you and I hope God gives you as many tests as he gave me so that you can show yourself how 鈥渃hingon(a)” you are.

From home it is easy to criticize those who fight for their dreams. That is why you criticize those who know that set an example of life to both me and others. That is why we are as we are as a society. That’s why we’re in the situation that we are, unable to get out of it and you don’t see it.

You are rotten and I am glad to not be part of the average. And I am proud to belong to such a closed group of friends and family who know perfectly well what is happening in my life, who I am and what I have done, and that fills me with peace. You who think of yourself as a chingon(a), let’s see, instead of criticism I want to read your life’s accomplishments. Who do you inspire? What do you do to leave this world better? How do you help your family? How many people do you represent? And how do you make a living? It’s easier to point your finger and let others do what you could never do because of mediocrity, right? If I’m wrong, I’d like to see you in action and shut my mouth 馃槈”

In the end Yair finally took a moment to express his gratitude and appreciation for the fans who support him through thick and thin.

“To those who support me from the heart even if you have doubts, to you I say thank you from the bottom of my heart! Rest assured that in due time you will know what you have to know. From me, and not from third parties who only seek to benefit from the bad moments of others.”


Nate Diaz